Nutreat- A modern tale from ancient times
Hand pounding and stone grinding are our ancient style of processing foods that made humans enjoy food more than just eating. Handcrafting involves different kinds & sizes of grinders made of stone for processing of foods with very less nutrient loss and perfect blending.
Each ingredient used in the recipe has its own importance and way of processing while handcrafting that made it a complete art of cooking which is missing in modern food processing.
Nutreat is trying to restore all such healthy processing techniques to for 100% best recipe.
How Nutreat is crafted?
On the banks of river Godavari, in small village called “Malikipuram” Nutreat was initiated with a motto to restore our indigenous handcrafting techniques and pooled few interested rural women. Started with 2 recipes in the year 2015 for babies & diabetic friendly recipe now its a brand/art from India with almost 100+ recipes that are well managed to suit modern lifestyle with traditional cores.
Art of handcrafting Nutreat foods
Nutreat recipes are unique & well know for its taste & quality, this is attained by practicing few traditional practices.
Before processing a recipe, a old lady who is healthy & active both physically & mentally prepares for the sprouting process, later the women who are associated with Nutreatlife, sun dry the sprouts after 3–4 days depending on the season and then few who are perfect at cooking (only women) will roast the ingredients in a “clay pot” or an “Iron tava”.
Each ingredient has its own roasting temperatures and drying time, so each and every ingredient depending on their class are roasted & cooled down separately. After perfect roasting all the ingredients are handcrafted using stone grinders or mortar and pestle. These are finally share dried & then packed.
The “Secret” lies in
Nutreat has its own recipe of blending its recipes, however most of the recipes are inspired from ancient Indian recipes that are made suitable for modern ages. Nutreat handpicks its ingredients direct from the farmers who grow organic or naturally and especially locally. “Eat local” is the main belief behind Nutreat recipes. It handcrafts recipes according to season and region for its customers.
The major ingredients used in crafting Nutreat are mostly grains like traditional rice varieties from Andhra, Karnataka, Assam and Kerala along with ancient grains like Millets from Rayalaseema of Andhra and Karnataka. These are blended with other lentils & pulses along with dry fruits, seeds & spices according to customers choice.
“Its an art how we select grains that suits best with a pulse or lentil and how long we should roast them for real admiring taste” —Mrs. Rangamma (One of the inspiration to initiate Nutreat)
Only Women
We believe in the saying “women puts her soul into the recipe that she cooks and only mother can give best to her baby” and as many of the Nutreat recipes are mad for babies Nutreat prefers only ladies for handcrafting the recipes while gents are also involved for procuring, transportation etc.
“The lady of the house” — Nutreat is not an industrial kitchen that produces batches of products and sells, its homemade and so called as ‘House’ and the main room where roasting and handcrafting happens is called as “Kitchen” and the main lady who starts the crafting is named as “The lady of the house”. The person who takes care of all the crafting in the house is called as “Kaaryata”.
Nutreat is almost women lead brand where it has “Melalar” who is expertise in procuring best seasonal crop direct from the farmers and “Sarathy” a person who leads the team more patiently and maintains customer relations. And it has “Kaivinainar” the person who designs the recipe according to customer’s requirements and researches on it, and a “Koshadhikari” who balances all the financial matters.
The art of processing food
The world has moved a lot but left the traditions back which are bulked up with rich health & heritage. Filling the gap Nutreat is blending the modern recipes with traditional processing to provide the best ever possible nutrient rich recipes & tasty than ever.